Daily use English words with Hindi meaning

Daily Use English Words With Hindi Meaning

Daily use English words with Hindi meaning : यह ब्लॉग उन सभी के लिए है जो अंग्रेजी सीखने की शुरुआत करना चाहते हैं और दैनिक जीवन में इस्तेमाल होने वाले…
Pronouns worksheet

Pronouns Worksheet

Pronoun Definition Pronoun are word that used in place of noun in a sentence to avoid repetition.For example; Instead of saying "." We can say "Maria want to her house…
past indefinite tense exercise

Past Indefinite Tense Exercise

Past Indefinite TensePast Indefinite Tense RulesAffirmative Sentences:Negative Sentences:Interrogative SentencesPast Indefinite Tense ExamplesAffirmative Sentences:Negative Sentences:Interrogative Sentences:Past Indefinite Tense ExerciseExercise1:- Fill in the blanks.Fill in the blanks using the correct form of…
prepositioin worksheet for class 2

Preposition worksheet for class 2

What is preposition?Preposition worksheet for class 2Exercise 1:- circle the preposition in the following sentences.Answer keyExercise 2:- Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition from the box below.Answer keyExercise…
adjective worksheet for class 2

Adjective Worksheet for class 2

Types of adjectiveAdjective worksheet for class 2CUnderline the adjectives in the following sentences.Fill in the blanks with suitable adjective from Brackets.Write opposite of the following words. Choose the answer from…